Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Madness!

What a fabulous thing!

My daughter is in 3rd grade and she was able
to participate in what is called Kids Marketplace. 
This activity taught the whole grade to budget
their money, put some in savings, etc.  I volunteered
and was in charge of the bank booth.
It was so cute to see all of the kids little faces. 
They were also assigned a career.  Melanie, my daughter was
a restaurant owner.

Walker's (10 years old) Blue and Gold Banquet
for scouts was so much fun this year.  The leaders
put so much hard work into this night.  The theme was angry
birds and it was amazing!  I am so grateful for all the adults
that put time and effort into teaching my children. 

This is my little nephew Gavin.  You won't find a nicer
kid.  He is so sweet and gets along so well with my little Lilly.
They play batman at his house and barbies at our house.  I love
how he talks too.  I don't want him to learn the right way...I love when
he says "My cousin Conner" because it sounds more like "My Tusin Tonner!
He is an ablsoute doll and will be 5 in May. 

Lilly turned 3 this past week!
She wanted to spend the day with her cousin Gavin.
We went to McDonalds for lunch and then to the dollar
store.  They insisted on these birthday hats that were about
as big as them! 
Janessa (19) started a second job as a CNA with Midas Creek Home Health.  She is amazing.  I don't think I could handle bathing the elderly and changing their depends.  She is a very nurturing person by nature and is so pleasant too.  I know those whose houses she visits weekly are very lucky. 

 Some of Lilly's cousins stopped by to join in the fun!  What kids don't like noise makers and the little things you blow and the paper rolls out?  I don't even know what they are called! 

For Young Women's New Beginnings,
we had an activity that had a jungle theme. 
We called it, "It's a jungle out there...stand in holy places."
My son Jensen came in with his friends to have treats and I
snapped this picture of him and his cute friend Brooklyn.
She is such a sweetheart and is in my Beehive class. 

My Katie-loo-hoo being  a wild animal, I think!
We had fruit kabobs and creamies for refreshments. 
          Gavin and Lilly


We have the greatest Young Women!  They were so much fun to take pictures of because they all wanted to be in every picture!  Why as adults do we lose that?  I love their enthuiasm for life.  It is refreshing and contagious!

I love when my older daughters teach their little sister Lilly how to cook.  They are such great big sisters and Lilly looks up to them SO much!  This is Whitney (16) with Lilly.

 My YOUNIQUE news of the WEEK!

As you may know, I am the first Presenter of a fabulous new company called Younique that sells beauty and fashion products for women.  We currently have over 360 Presenters around the world!  If you know anything about direct sales companies, the best time to get in with a company is at the beginning!  I wished I would have jumped on the Scentsy train when it started because the two women that started that still to this day, make anywhere from $70,000 to $150,000! 
So, NOW IS THE TIME TO SIGN UP WITH YOUNIQUE!  We have had 23 Presenters sign up in the last week.  It is only $99.00.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!  Let me introduce you to the Triple Digits Club.
The first 999 Presenters of Younique will be making history.  They will get a special charm and $35.00 of Younique cash to use on the products of their choice. 



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