As you can see, the title of this post is "The Bitter Sweetness of Parenthood". That is how I feel about it. It is the greatest blessing and yet can be the biggest challenge at the exact same time. For example, some nights I am so exhausted (oh wait, that is every night!) and my 2 year old will wake up and in the cutest little voice say, " Momma, my tummy hurts. I want food." As we are in the kitchen lit up with one tiny light, she sits there cute as a bug on the counter eating her snack and she goes through the whole family. "Daddy night night?" I say, "Yes, Daddy is night night". Then she will say, "Nessa night night?" She'll go through all her brothers and sisters because our house is only quiet in the middle of the night! She is trying to figure out why it is so quiet and where everyone is! And as exhausted as I am, those quiet little moments alone with her with her cute little voice are just absolutely precious to me and I can't get mad that she is awake because she is the cutest thing that I have ever seen!

I remember the joy I felt of having my first baby, Kaitlyn, who is now 11 and not such a baby! I can't believe how fast kids grow up. It happens before your eyes! I also remember the fear I felt though when we loaded her in the carseat to take her home from the hospital and the nurse who helped us to the car said, "Bye kids, have fun!" with a big grin on her face. I really wanted an instruction manual to take care of my baby!
One of my favorite sayings is:
With kids, the days are long
but the years are short.
Isn't that the truth???
There are instruction manuals out there. They are called parenting books. If you look and see how many kids the authors have, it is usually one or two. They haven't learned yet that every child is different and that you have to parent each child differently! It can definitely be a challenge. Sometimes I have to remind my kids that I have never been a parent before and that they are my guinea pigs that I am experimenting with! I also remind them that I am just a little kid in a big body. I am just like them, just a little further along the path we call "life". I also remind them that my name starts with an M and it isn't "Maid!"
The older I get and the more children I have, the more I am amazed at my parents and my in-laws and all they did for my husband and I growing up.
No, that previous line is not a typo. My 2 year old just woke up and she is not crazy about me being on the computer when she is hungry and ready for breakfast so she is pushing buttons. Now she is straddling my lap so I am typing behind her back but she feels like I am holding her. Guess it is breakfast time!
O.K. Breakfast was served. It was a gourmet bowl of frosted mini wheats. I know, I know, I am an over achiever.
Farmer Walker
My 10 year old son has AMAZED me this year. My dad helped him plant a garden and Walker has been quite the little farmer. He checks on it 3 times a day and although he is not a fan of many vegetables, I think I have eaten more than my fair share of tomatoes, etc. this year so it is a good thing that I love them! It is amazing how if he is interested in something, he can focus on it for hours and hours. He is the hardest working little kid I have ever seen. I do miss when he couldn't say his L's though. He would say, "Mommy, I wove you!" I would also make him say this just to hear him say his L's like W's. "I like to lick my lucious lips!" It would sound more like, "I wike to wick my wucious wips!" Talk about a cutie! Here are some pictures of "Farmer Walker".

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