Youniquely Me by Jess


      Hi my friends!  My name is Jessica Hermansen and
this is my "Youniquely Me" story.  Everyone you meet has a story.  I am fascinated by these stories.  When I see someone on the side of the road with a card board sign, my heart aches and I wonder how they got to that point.  We all are fighting a hard battle.  These battles are not always something that is displayed on the T-shirt that we wear everyday.  Sometimes they are battles that we have to fight all by ourselves.
          My battle I am fighting right now is the challenge of raising 7 kids.  I had two of my own from a previous marriage, married a widower who had four and we have had one together.   This has definitely not been an easy task but my hope is that one day I can look back and say it was all worth it.  Plus, I will have lots of kids to take care of me when I am old!
     Everyday is like running a marathon from sun up to sun down.  I am physically and emotionally exhausted at times and being a step mom is a whole different layer of love.  The thing that keeps me going is my amazing husband and I believe in family.  There are those golden moments when you wish time would stand still for a second...a couple years ago my son said to me, " my mommy is so proud of you."  He was meaning his mom who had passed away when he was only three and he is now 10.  That meant the world to me as I often wonder how she feels when she looks down on my daily efforts to care for her children.
     I really admire moms who are content with the mom job.  I, however, am not one of them.  I love being a mom but need something else in my life to feel balanced.  I feel this allows me to be a happier mom.  Besides, for as long as I can remember, there has been this little entrepreneur deep inside me. I have owned two businesses and have tried other avenues trying to generate extra income for my family.  My husband works SO fact, there are some nights that he doesn't even go to bed because he is up working.  It breaks my heart that even with as hard as he works, the expense of raising a large family prevents us from ever getting ahead or getting out of debt.
     This Younique opportunity came into my life in the Fall of 2011 when I met Melanie Huscroft at a home party.  She had come to specifically see the product I was selling and she told me about her brother Derek and his passion for the direct sales industry.  She also said that whatever he touches turns to gold!  I told her that as long as it was legal, I was totally in!  He emailed me that very night and all I can say is that I feel so blessed to have been at the right place at the right time because I believe everything happens for a reason. 
     I feel so blessed and ecstatic to be a part of this company.  My role is to become the first Presenter in the company.  As of Dec. of 2014, we have close to 143,000 Presenters!  How cool is that?   Like the smiley face icons, I wish there was an icon of little person doing a back flip because that is what I would use to describe how excited I am about all this!
    We each are truly Younique and this is the beginning of my Younique journey.  Stay tuned because I am going places girlfriends and I want you to come too! 


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