Alex Boye' was amazing!
Here are some other guests who spoke.
Here is what our Younique booth looked like.
Me and my amazing sis-in-law Dani.
She is Younique Presenter number #20
and has done an amazing job to grow her
business and her team! I am so proud to have
her on my team! Not to mention
she is pregnant with their 5th and their
oldest is 7. She is wonderwoman and
there has never been anything that I
have seen that she can't do.
Cute Dani!
We had a drawing for a $99.00 Moodstruck Kit! We had 104 people enter. Our booth had people in it all day long! We probably put make-up on 60 women! It was so much fun! I love sharing the unique Younique opportunity with others and also their fabulous products!
I want to reiterate Younique's Motto:
You are beautiful; you are unique - and Younique products were designed with you in mind! Younique is more than just a company. We are committed to providing high-quality products that encourage both inner and outer beauty! We truly believe that women everywhere should feel beautiful, smart, and valued. This belief is at the core of why we started this company and why we named our company - Younique!
Mood Struck Eye Collection
Includes:4 Mineral Pigment colors of your choice
1 Set of 3D Fiber Lashes
1 set of Make-up brushes
Sexy little black case
All for only $ 99.00
That is a 20% savings buying it in the collection rather
than individually.
Order at
Meanwhile, at the Hermansen household, Walker turned 11 today!
Yep! Our second son turned 11 today. He was only 4 when I became his mom. As you may or may not know, his mother passed away when he was only 3. A lot happens from 4 to 11! The only thing that hasn't changed much is his weight. How would it be? The kid can eat whatever he wants and doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body! He is extremely active and athletic with great metabolism so I think he just burns it off! I miss when he couldn't say his L's. He would say, "Mommy, I wove you!" Or Fwashwight, gwass, etc. It was so cute. I also remember years ago he said, "Mom, my mommy Jennie is so proud of you." It was on a day that I totally needed to hear that too. He also said, 'Mommy, I love you as much as Jesus loves you." That too, came on a day when I needed to hear it. He is a sweetheart. Definately has taught me to have a lot of patience. When he is sweet, he is very sweet. I love our Walker-Talker Texas Ranger! Happy Birthday buddy!
Here he is doing homework on a step stool and a box. Think the kid needs a desk and chair in his room to do homework on? I think yes.
He is quite the little farmer with the help of his Grandpa Bradshaw!
His first wood burning project in scouts.
Getting awards at scout meeting!
Handsome boy, just like his Daddy!
We love you, Walks!